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Astounding Wealth Growth in Turkey Amid Inflation

by Kashish Murarka   ·  July 17, 2024  

The world was taken by surprise when the Global Wealth Report 2024 revealed a staggering wealth growth in Turkey. Between 2022 and 2023, wealth per adult in Turkey skyrocketed by 157%. Despite the high inflation, Turkey’s wealth growth left other nations far behind. This phenomenon, driven by multiple factors, offers fascinating insights into the interplay between inflation and asset values.

Unprecedented Wealth Surge

Wealth growth in Turkey has astounded economists globally. Amid soaring inflation, the country’s average wealth per adult increased dramatically. The Global Wealth Report 2024, by Swiss bank UBS, highlighted Turkey’s exceptional performance. With inflation hovering around 72%, many anticipated economic hardship rather than prosperity. However, the surge in wealth paints a different picture.

Turkey’s wealth growth contrasts sharply with other nations. For example, Qatar and South Africa saw increases of 20% and 16%, respectively. Meanwhile, the United States experienced a modest 2.5% rise in average wealth per adult. These comparisons underscore Turkey’s extraordinary achievement.

The Impact of Inflation

Inflation in Turkey has significantly impacted the economy. High inflation typically erodes purchasing power. Yet, it has also led to substantial wealth growth in Turkey. For many Turks, owning real assets like homes has proven advantageous. As inflation drives up prices, the value of these assets also rises. This increase in asset values has contributed to the overall wealth growth.

The Turkish inflation impact has been profound. Over the last five years, the Turkish lira has lost nearly 83% of its value against the dollar. As of mid-July 2024, the currency trades at 33 lira to the dollar. Despite this depreciation, those holding real assets have seen their wealth grow. This paradox highlights the complex relationship between inflation and wealth.

Real Assets: A Key Factor

Real assets in Turkey have played a crucial role in wealth growth. Homeownership has provided a hedge against inflation. As housing prices rise with inflation, homeowners benefit from increased asset values. This dynamic has been particularly pronounced in Turkey. The UBS report emphasizes the importance of real assets in wealth accumulation.

Real assets in Turkey include not only housing but also equities. Both asset classes tend to perform well in inflationary environments. People who own these assets have seen their wealth increase. The value of financial and real assets minus debts defines net worth or wealth. In Turkey, this balance has shifted positively for many asset holders.

Currency Effect on Wealth

The currency effect has also influenced wealth growth in Turkey. When measuring wealth in local currency terms, inflation can inflate asset values. The UBS report highlights this effect, noting a stark difference in growth figures. In Turkish lira, wealth growth exceeds 157%. However, in U.S. dollars, this growth is around 63%. This discrepancy illustrates how currency fluctuations impact perceived wealth.

Currency effect on wealth is a critical factor in global wealth comparisons. For example, Japan saw less than 2% growth in dollar terms but 9% in local currency. Such differences highlight the need to consider local economic conditions. For Turkey, the lira’s depreciation has magnified the apparent wealth growth in local terms.

Economic Challenges and Wealth Disparity

While the overall wealth growth in Turkey is impressive, it is not uniformly distributed. High inflation benefits asset owners but can harm those without such holdings. Many Turks have seen their purchasing power decline. Wage increases often lag behind inflation, leading to real income losses. This disparity underscores the uneven impact of economic policies.

The Turkish inflation impact extends beyond asset values. It affects daily living standards. For those without significant assets, the high cost of living has become a burden. The UBS report authors emphasize this point. They note that being asset-rich does not equate to being cash-rich. Many Turks find themselves asset-rich but cash-poor due to negative real incomes.

Historical Context and Future Outlook

Evaluating wealth growth in Turkey requires historical context. Over the past 15 years, Turkey has experienced dramatic economic shifts. From 2008 to 2023, average wealth per adult in Turkey surged by 1708% in local currency terms. This period includes various economic cycles and policy changes. The recent wealth growth is part of this broader economic evolution.

Looking ahead, the future of wealth growth in Turkey is uncertain. Continued high inflation could sustain the rise in asset values. However, economic stability and policy decisions will play crucial roles. The Global Wealth Report 2024 provides a snapshot, but ongoing developments will shape long-term trends.

Insights from Global Comparisons

The Global Wealth Report 2024 offers valuable insights into Turkey’s economic landscape. Comparing wealth growth across countries highlights unique national dynamics. Turkey’s exceptional performance contrasts with more modest gains elsewhere. Understanding these differences helps contextualize Turkey’s achievements.

For instance, Qatar and South Africa, with wealth growths of 20% and 16%, respectively, reflect different economic conditions. The U.S., with a 2.5% increase, shows how developed economies can experience slower wealth growth. These comparisons underscore the significance of Turkey’s 157% increase.


The wealth growth in Turkey amid high inflation is a remarkable economic phenomenon. Despite the challenges of soaring prices, many Turks have seen their wealth increase. Real assets like homes and equities have provided a buffer against inflation. The currency effect has further amplified perceived wealth growth in local terms.

However, this wealth is not evenly distributed. The Turkish inflation impact has created disparities between asset owners and those without significant holdings. While some have prospered, others face economic hardship due to declining real incomes.

The historical context of Turkey’s economic evolution adds depth to these findings. Over the past 15 years, Turkey has seen significant shifts in wealth. The Global Wealth Report 2024 captures a moment in this ongoing story.

As Turkey moves forward, the interplay between inflation, asset values, and economic policies will continue to shape wealth dynamics. Understanding these factors is crucial for grasping the full picture of wealth growth in Turkey.

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