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India to outlaw nearly all private cryptocurrencies.

By admin . November 24, 2021

#edgeforex #trading #market #stocks #money #usd #gold #forex #cryptocurrencies #law #bill #bitcoin cryptocurrencies The 'Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency' bill will set up a framework for the Reserve Bank of India to issue an official digital currency. And…
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Forex News. November 24, 2021

By admin .

#edgeforex #forex #trading #market #stocks #bond #dollar #inflation #euro #eur #prices #dollar #hike #covid-19 #cryptocurrency #oil #japan #bitcoin covid-19 Germany German parties that are in discussions to form a government have stated that an announcement will be made around 1400 GMT.Coalition discussions between the SPD,…
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Turkish lira crashes to historic low

By admin . November 23, 2021

 #edgeforex #forex #learning #market #stocks #inflation #prices #news #inflation #turkey #lira #banks #trade #dollar #cryptocurrency #fx #gains #bitcoin turkey In Turkey, inflation has reached about 20%. Implying that essential items for the country's 85 million people have skyrocketed in price and their local currency…
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Escalation of Turkey’s crisis may spread contagion

By admin .

The lira's depreciation would exacerbate Turkey's inflationary dilemma while also risking aggravating currency mismatches on bank sheets. Furthermore, rising external borrowing prices will make it more difficult for Turkish borrowers to roll over their external obligations (which are denominated mainly…
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Forex Trading News -November 23, 2021

By admin .

Trading the JPY The Bank of Japan is heavily bearish. With Japan battling with deflationary pressures for years and a huge QE program. The Bank of Japan's prognosis remains bleak. The fact that the Bank of Japan is projected to…
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