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Meditation Helps Become Better Traders and Investors?

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  December 22, 2021   ·  

Meditation Helps Become Better Traders and Investors?

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  December 22, 2021   ·  

#edgeforex #trading #market #stocks #money #meditation #stressful #pandemic #cryptocurrencies #december #bitcoin meditation

There is substantial evidence that meditation may help us deal with stressful conditions, such as the recent pandemic and the difficulties of doctorate study, as well as mental health issues like despair and anxiety. 

According to the findings of Gaelle Desbordes and colleagues, mindfulness meditation improves emotional well-being not just by boosting relaxation and lowering stress, but also by improving interoception: our awareness of our body. This awareness, coupled by observable changes in brain structure and function, interrupts the loop of repeating thought, allowing us more control over anxiety and pessimism. 

According to Amishi Jha’s research, meditation is useful because it improves attention and working memory, giving us more control over the material we pick and deselect.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) enhances standard cognitive work by increasing mindful awareness and assisting patients in changing not just what they think about, but also how they filter incoming information. 

There has recently been a surge in interest in utilizing meditation to help traders and investors perform better in financial markets. The goal is to utilize the body to program the mind in order to avoid the fear, greed, and cognitive biases that are known to influence trading decisions. 

We can quiet the nervous system by shutting off the noise, enhancing introspection, and instilling thankfulness when we learn meditation. In an AlphaMind podcast, Daniel Crosby observes that the brain is not naturally designed for financial market judgments, diverting us from the meta-knowledge—the awareness of what we know and don’t know—necessary for working under risk and uncertainty.

Regret keeps us fixed in the past, whereas worry projects our fears for the future. Meditation, through promoting contemplation and boosting access to meta-knowledge, may anchor us in the present, improving our sense of what is truly happening in markets in the here-and-now. 

Traders frequently believe that they will enhance their trading if they can transcend their emotions, and many seek to meditation to help them do so. This misses the reality that some types of meditation, such as loving-kindness meditation, can increase the intensity of emotional experiences, such as thankfulness. 

The main advantage of meditation for traders may be that it grounds us in the present moment, allowing us to make judgments based on present-centered awareness rather than past and future anxieties about earnings and losses.

According to Desbordes and Jha’s studies, meditation appears to have the greatest influence on our cognitive processing and capacity to better filter information in the present moment. As with MBCT, enhanced filtering stops those repeating cycles of negative thought and promotes access to the meta-knowledge that leads to rational decision-making. 

The objective is not to become emotion-free, but to become completely aware of our emotional responses in the present moment, so that we can use them as information rather than distractions. As trade coach Denise Shull points out in her interview with Jordan Harbinger, this helps us to shift negative emotions into positive ones.

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