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Personality Types & Trading

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  December 17, 2021   ·  

Personality Types & Trading

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  December 17, 2021   ·  

#edgeforex #trading #market #stocks #money #personality #introverts #extroverts #cryptocurrencies #december #bitcoin personality

In the trading world, you may find that those that are more likely to win are more mathematically and statistically inclined, and they frequently participate in similar sorts of “games.” 

You must analyze odds and place bets by knowing what has already been discounted into markets and having a distinct perspective in comparison to the consensus (and being right). 

Trading, like poker, sports betting, blackjack/card counting, and other games of chance and probability, is a game of chance and probability. 

During the Covid-19 crisis, sports were mostly shut down (no betting markets) and casinos were shuttered. As part of the distancing process, many individuals were confined to their houses. Furthermore, many brokerage goods and services are now free of charge. 

A large portion of the flow moved into day trading, and many of these new traders in the market contributed to headline-making disruptions like Gamestop and AMC.

Trading draws many of the same sorts of people and personalities. 

You must comprehend probabilities, expected values, distributions, and likelihoods across a wide variety of possible outcomes. 

Everyone is “wired” differently, which makes them ideal for various sorts of hobbies and jobs within them. 

Even within an investment management business, who excels in which roles may vary greatly. 

Someone in investing (more inclined toward logic and rationality) will be quite different from someone in client services (where interpersonal and communication skills are essential), who will be different from someone in sales and marketing, administration, risk management, and so on. 

Even within a division (for example, trading/investing), there will be disparities in who is skilled at what.

Others, on the other hand, are excellent at seeing details but not so strong at “vision” or seeing the larger picture. 

Trading may be a rather lonesome activity. However, depending on the circumstances, it may also be a highly community thing. 

Some traders are introverts who trade on their own or as part of a corporation but with a lot of autonomy. 

Some traders operate as part of a team and make choices as a group, where Extraversion may be rewarded more. Some traders rely largely on their networks and do much of their business via meetings and phone conversations. 

Keeping this in mind, it is critical in team situations to assist each member in communicating in the manner in which they are most comfortable.

Introverts prefer to communicate in writing (e.g., email) so that they may hammer out their views in as much detail as needed and retain a record of it. 

Extroverts, on the other hand, are more likely to feel at ease speaking in groups. Extroverts do better in these situations, but introverts may find themselves uncomfortable and/or fear being drowned out by more powerful voices. 

Only roughly 10% of the population is NT. However, NT dominance accounts for a big portion of people who are successful traders. 

Ns have the ability to view the large picture and predict events and possibilities before they occur. 

Ts like to make decisions based on analytical objectivity and logical analysis rather than sentiments, emotions, gut feelings, personal judgments, and ideas that have not been stress-tested. 

The preference for Introversion over Extraversion, or vice versa, is unimportant.

In general, traders should be balanced on the Perceiving (adapting, spotting new methods) and Judging (planning, structure, dependability) continuums. 

Traders must comprehend and excel at approximations. Trading is a game of probabilities, anticipated values, and probable result distributions. 

Traders must accept that the unknowns will be considered in comparison to what they know and can fairly predict. 

Traders must be conceptual thinkers. Given the nature of working with pricing, quantity, and monetary quantities, traders are always dealing with approximations. 

Trading has a lot to do with the broad picture and how things function in general. 

When individuals point out specific instances, it’s easy to get caught up in the specifics and lose sight of the overall picture. 


Trader personality types tend to gravitate toward specific subjects. Personality types inside a trading and investment industry also follow predictable patterns. 

Those that excel at developing large picture perspectives and theme trade ideas tend to be N and T dominating. 

Those who are skilled at translating large picture views and strategic thoughts into trades are N dominant, but with more attention to detail (i.e., score higher on S) and T dominating. 

Those that are adept at risk management are frequently S and T dominating. 

Administration, accounting, and law are likewise increasingly S and T oriented (though T dominance is not as important). 

F dominance is more prevalent in client services and customer support when higher degrees of empathy are required.

Salespeople and customer service personnel score better on E than I, while this isn’t very essential in trading and investing. 

P and J preferences aren’t as critical for trading, but it’s a good idea to be balanced in both. 

The capacity to look outside-in (i.e., Perceiving) by observing the environment around you, connecting the dots, and adapting to change is valuable. The capacity to work from the inside out (i.e., judging) from having a concept and building it out is also important.

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