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Russian Attitudes towards War 

by Unlisted Blog   ·  April 23, 2022   ·  

Russian Attitudes towards War 

by Unlisted Blog   ·  April 23, 2022   ·  

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The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Levada Center, Russia’s most recognised and impartial polling organisation, conducted a survey on Russian sentiments about the conflict on March 24-30 and published the results this month. 

Under the banner “Russian Public Accepts Putin’s Spin on Ukraine Conflict,” they published their findings.

According to the poll, 53% of the russians support their military involvement in ukraine. Putin is seen favourably by a similarly overwhelming majority. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t the last word on the matter. The Russian government has forbidden the terms “war” and “invasion” to characterise what it is doing in Ukraine, according to the report’s authors. As a result, when polling Russians, the questioners chose the less scary terms “military operation” or “military action.” 

In addition, the survey used the phrases “denazify” and “denazification” because it is how the Russian authorities and state-controlled media defined one of the war’s objectives, at least until this month.

However, this heated language reminiscent of the Great Patriotic War is sheer propaganda and a blatant untruth. 

To put it another way, the survey’s questions were not phrased as objectively as you would have liked. 

Two Russian public opinion experts from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, pinpointed the issue. “It’s really difficult to know what to make of polls and public opinion in general in the current context of heavy censorship in Russia,” Jordan Gans-Morse wrote less than a month after the invasion. 

According to his colleague Olga Kamenchuk, elder Russians are twice as likely as younger Russians to favour the war. 

She claimed, based on the Chicago-Levada poll, that Russians who get their news from state television are “much more likely” to support the war than those who get their news from the internet, which has a wider range of sources.

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