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Silver and its uses

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  February 16, 2022   ·  

Silver and its uses

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  February 16, 2022   ·  

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Silver is classified as a precious metal due to its scarcity and value, and it is classified as a noble metal due to its resistance to corrosion and oxidation. Silver is the best thermal and electrical conductor of all metals, making it ideal for electrical applications. It is useful in medicine and consumer products due to its antimicrobial and non-toxic properties. Because of its high lustre and reflectivity, it is ideal for jewellery, silverware, and mirrors. Because of its malleability (ability to be flattened into sheets) and ductility (ability to be drawn into thin, flexible wire), it is the best choice for a wide range of industrial applications. In the meantime, its photosensitivity has earned it a spot in the world of film photography. 

Silver is also much less expensive than gold because it is more plentiful.

Silver appears to have as many uses as the human imagination can conjure. Traditional silver works, such as jewellery and silverware, are entirely dependent on the artist’s imagination. Modern uses rely on the inventiveness of scientists and engineers to meet the changing demands of consumers and industries.

Silver’s distinct properties, particularly its high thermal and electrical conductivity, reflectivity, and antibacterial properties, make it difficult to duplicate, such as a one-of-a-kind silver ring.

Silver in Electronics

Among all the metals silver has the highest thermal and electric conductivity and it cannot be easily replaced by less expensive materials. 

Silver is extracted from silver mines or from lead and zinc mines, where silver is a byproduct. Silver is extracted from ore through smelting and refining. The silver is then typically shaped into bars or grains. Electronics require silver that is 99.99 percent pure, also known as having a fineness of 999.9. 

When pure silver is dissolved in nitric acid, silver nitrate is formed, which can then be powdered or flaked. This material can then be formed into contacts or silver pastes, such as conductive paste made from a silver-palladium alloy.

One of the most rapidly growing applications for silver paste is in photovoltaic cells for the generation of solar energy. 

Nanosilver, or silver with extremely small particle sizes (1-100 nanometers, or 1-100 billionths of a metre), opens up a new frontier for technological innovation by requiring much smaller amounts of silver to complete tasks. 

Superconductors are at the cutting edge of technology. Although silver is not a superconductor, when combined with one, the two can transmit electricity faster than the superconductor alone. 

Brazing and soldering 

Brazing and soldering use the high tensile strength and ductility of silver to join two metal pieces. Brazing occurs at temperatures above 600°C, whereas soldering occurs at temperatures below 600°C. A silver scrap can be used in brazing and soldering. Brazing and soldering produce tight joints in a variety of applications ranging from heating and air conditioning vents to plumbing. 

Because of its antibacterial properties and lack of toxicity to humans, silver is an excellent replacement for lead-based bonds between water pipes.

Silver in Chemical Production

Silver serves as a catalyst in the synthesis of two important chemicals: ethylene oxide and formaldehyde. Ethylene oxide is used to make moulded plastics like plastic handles as well as flexible plastics like polyester. It is also a key component of antifreeze. Formaldehyde is used in the production of solid plastics and resins, as well as as a protective coating. It’s also a disinfectant and an embalming agent. Silver, as a catalyst, accelerates reactions without depleting them.

Silver in Coins and Investments

Silver has traditionally been used in coins alongside gold. Silver, as a precious metal, is rare and valuable, making it an ideal wealth storage medium. People used to save their money in silver coins, but now they invest in investment-grade silver bullion. Because silver does not corrode and only melts at a relatively high temperature, it is durable, and its high lustre makes it appealing. Because of its malleability, silver is an excellent choice for designing and minting local currency.

Nonetheless, silver retains its commodity value. Many people prefer to invest in silver through financial instruments such as stocks and mutual funds, or by purchasing and storing 99.9% pure silver bullion bars, coins, or medallions just like gold. 

Occasionally countries produce silver collector’s edition coins. These coins are then sold to buyers at a price that exceeds the value of the silver used to make the coin and because they are collector edition, these coins garner a lot of investors among coin collectors. 

Silver in Jewelry and Silverware

Other traditional uses of silver include jewellery and silverware. Silver is a beautiful choice due to its malleability, reflectivity, and lustre. Silver is very soft, so it is alloyed with base metals such as copper, as in sterling silver (92.5 percent silver, 7.5 percent copper). 

Silver dishes and plates, which are often ornately crafted works of art, may accompany silverware.

Silver in Photography

Traditional film photography is based on the light sensitivity of the silver halide crystals found in film. When exposed to light, the silver halide crystals change, capturing a latent image that can be developed into a photograph. Because of its accuracy, this process is useful for non-digital consumer photography, film, and X-rays.

Silver in Medicine

By interfering with bacteria’s respiration, silver ions act as a catalyst, absorbing oxygen and killing them. Before antibiotics were widely used, silver foil was wrapped around wounds to help them heal. Also colloidal silver and silver-protein complexes were ingested or applied topically to fight illness. Silver has also been used to cure and prevent infection in eye drops and dental hygiene. 

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are increasing the demand for silver in hospitals today. Small amounts of silver can be used to coat hospital surfaces and medical equipment to prevent pathogen spread. Silver, which is found in surgical instruments, wound dressings, and ointments, protects wounds from infection. Silver sulfadiazine is especially beneficial to burn victims because it kills bacteria while allowing the skin to regenerate. Silver ion treatments have the ability to heal bone infections and regenerate damaged tissue.

Silver in Mirrors and Glass

When polished, silver is almost completely reflective. Many modern building windows are coated with a transparent layer of silver, which reflects sunlight and keeps the interior cool in the summer. Silver-coated tiles in aerospace shield spacecraft from the sun.

Silver in Engines

Silver is used in engine bearings. The most durable bearing is made of steel that has been silver electroplated. Because of its high melting point, silver can withstand the high temperatures of engines. Silver also functions as a lubricant, reducing friction between a ball bearing and its housing. Silver is being researched thoroughly as a possible substitute for platinum to catalyse the oxidation of matter collected in diesel engine filters due to its ability to absorb oxygen.

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