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Sound Money 4: The Emergency Argument in Favor of Inflation

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  February 10, 2022   ·  

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All of the economic justifications for inflation are flawed. The fallacies have been debunked in an undeniable manner for a long time. 

However, there is a political case for inflation that demands further examination. In books, essays, and political speeches, this political argument is rarely used. It doesn’t lend itself to such a public display. However, in the minds of statesmen and historians, the fundamental concept is crucial. 

All of the sound-money doctrine’s precepts are completely accepted by its believers. They don’t make the same mistakes as the inflationist charlatans.

They recognise that inflationism is a self-defeating policy that will inevitably result in an economic catastrophe, and that all of its ostensibly beneficial effects are, even from the perspective of the inflationary policy’s authors, more undesirable than the evils that inflation was supposed to cure. Despite this, they continue to feel that there are crises that need or at the very least justify the use of inflation. They claim that a nation can be threatened by evils far more devastating than the impacts of inflation. No rational argument can be offered to a temporary abandoning of sound money if it is feasible to avert the utter devastation of a nation’s freedom and culture.

It simply means choosing a lesser evil over a bigger one. 

To properly assess the weight of this emergency argument in favour of inflation, it is necessary to recognise that inflation adds nothing to a nation’s ability to resist, either in terms of monetary resources or spiritual and moral fortitude. Whether or whether there is inflation, the material equipment necessary by the armed forces must be provided from available resources by reducing non-essential consumption, accelerating manufacturing to boost output, and using a portion of previously acquired capital.

All of this is possible if the majority of residents are determined to resist to the best of their abilities and are willing to make such sacrifices in order to preserve their independence and culture. The legislature will next establish fiscal policies to ensure that these objectives are realised. Without meddling with the monetary system, they will achieve what is known as economic mobilisation or a defensive economy. Without resorting to inflation, the enormous emergency may be addressed. 

The situation in mind by those who advocate for emergency inflation, on the other hand, is entirely different. It is characterised by an irreconcilable conflict between the government’s and the majority of the people’s viewpoints.

Only a minority of the population agrees with the administration that there is an emergency that needs a significant rise in public spending and equivalent austerity in private families. However, the vast majority of individuals disagree. They do not feel that situations are as severe as the government portrays them, or that the sacrifices required to preserve the ideals at risk are not worth the cost. There is no need to debate whether the government’s or the majority’s viewpoints are correct. Maybe the government is correct. However, we are concerned with the rulers’ strategies for resolving the issue rather than the content of the conflict.

They oppose democratic methods of persuasion of the majority. They arrogate to themselves the ability and the moral right to defy the people’s will. They’re keen to gain its assistance by misleading the public about the price of the proposed measures. While seeming to follow the constitutional norms of representative democracy, their actions are more akin to that of guardians of the people than elected officials. The elected executive no longer considers himself to be the people’s representative; he becomes a führer.

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