Few people know what a “Forex Swap” is or how it may cost you or even earn you money. It’s critical to understand how the swap may impact your account, particularly if you hold transactions for an extended time.
You may believe you know all the expenses related to forex trading, but are you?
Also known as the carry trade or the rollover charge, this cost may add up quickly while you’re trading.
There will always be a fee connected with trading, regardless of the trading organization you are using or the financial market you are looking at.
What are the primary Forex costs?
The broker fee, the spread, and the swap are the three direct expenses in the forex market to take into account.
To make trading more straightforward, brokers charge a commission. The spread is the difference between the purchase and sale prices. This spread can go up depending on the currency pair you’re trading.
The majors or anything else up against the USD usually have a very narrow spread. Of course, some exotic pairings received a four-pip spread, such as EUR/HK$. The spread will be more significant for the currency pairings with less activity in trading. And it’s essential to take this into account when choosing which currency pairings to trade.
A swap, also known as the rollover charge, is essentially a payment your broker makes for keeping a trade open overnight. Why? Because the forex market is accessible around-the-clock.
Brokers extinguish one daily candle and start a new one every 24 hours. You get the daily candles as a result.
Traders often use the 5:00 PM New York close. However, each broker has the option to adjust this by a few hours.
You can be paid the price for the privilege of keeping a trading position overnight through that 5:00 PM New York close. In some instances, you can even be paid for staying in that position overnight.
How do interest rates impact the swap?
Interest rates are the primary factor driving a particular currency pair’s up or downtrend. The cost of borrowing money is determined by interest rates, as are the returns on deposits made into savings accounts.
Employment, inflation, and other variables influence interest rates. To predict where the interest rates of the central banks will be in the future, you need constantly pay attention to the essential news throughout the week.
We get interested in the currency we purchased when we trade the Forex market using leverage, which is essentially a loan from the broker, but we have to pay interest on the currency we sold. We get the payment if we purchase a currency with a greater interest rate than the one we sold. An example of this is a positive swap.

On the other side, a negative swap occurs when you purchase a currency with a lower interest rate than the one you sold, which results in you having to pay interest.
Consider that you are making a long trade on the AUD/EUR currency pair. It implies that you are first purchasing Australian dollars and afterward selling Euros. In this case, you would collect 0.25 interest on the Australian dollars and pay no interest on the sold Euros. This swap is positive since the difference in interest rate levels defines it. Holding that trade overnight through the 5:00 PM New York candle means you get money.
How can you determine the precise cost?
Most broker systems include a calculator to determine the price of holding your position overnight.
Let’s say you decide to invest for the long term in the GBP/JPY. Your overnight position holding swap fee will be $2 for one standard contract.
It doesn’t say much. However, if you stay in that role for an entire year, you will have earned more than $700.
A brief summary of the Swap:
- Swap is the credit or debit for the overnight holding a foreign exchange deal.
- A positive swap involves purchasing a currency that pays a greater interest rate than the short currency, which results in an overnight profit.
- Negative swapping involves paying money overnight for a currency with a lower interest rate than the one you are short of.
- The interbank market influences the daily changes in interest rates.
- Because of the three-day settlement, Wednesday is a triple swap.