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Forex News May 31, 2022

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  May 31, 2022   ·  

Forex News May 31, 2022

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  May 31, 2022   ·  

Money markets

  • Following the release of inflation data, financial markets increased their bets on the ECB raising interest rates.
  • The ECB is expected to tighten by 115 basis points by the end of the year, with a 40 percent chance of a 50 basis point hike in July. This represents an increase from the 110 basis points that were priced in at the end of last week. With headline inflation already above 8%, the story isn’t so much about rising energy prices.
  • The increase in price pressures is visible in all areas:

As a result, be wary that we might hear some murmurs about how those discussions are going, which could create a more nervous atmosphere for next week’s meeting.

  • Based on what policymakers have told us, it may not yet be a ‘live’ one, but let’s wait and see what the ECB message is after today to be sure.


  • It appears that central bankers made a mistake
  • Subsequent to arising out of the profound emergency brought about by the Covid pandemic, the worldwide economy faces new sad situations with taking off expansion. Cost development has abruptly detonated over the most recent couple of months subsequent to being pallid for a very long time, regardless of various endeavors by national banks to renew it and push it out of the zone well underneath targets.
  • The US Federal Reserve and other significant world national banks depicted the underlying expansion ascend as short lived and a transitory peculiarity, fundamentally brought about by the post-pandemic quick development of economies, which was supposed to top in mid 2022 and afterward start to ease.
  • Apparently national financiers erred, as cost development sped up past all assumptions, driven by an assortment of variables that, when joined, pushed expansion to multi-decade or record highs, without any indications of subsiding up until this point.
  • Likewise, the conflict in Ukraine set off a chain response that lifted energy and item costs, following the Western world’s choice to decrease and at last boycott imports of unrefined petroleum, flammable gas, coal, and various other natural substances.
  • Dangers that the European Union’s economy, which is intensely subject to Russian energy and has currently fundamentally eased back movement, may confront disastrous outcomes assuming imports from Russia stop, set off the cascading type of influence that spilt
  • The gigantic ascent in flammable gas costs from around $400 a year prior to more than $3000 in March and right now remaining at around $1000, with assumptions that gas costs could flood to $3500 per thousand cubic meters in the colder time of year, represents a genuine danger to created economies like the European Union and the United Kingdom.
  • Simultaneously, unrefined petroleum costs transcended $100 per barrel subsequent to dropping to zero during the pandemic, notwithstanding the worldwide assumption that the worldwide speculation
  • Current US inflation is 8.3 percent, just below the 40-year high of 8.5 percent reached in March, raising hopes that US inflation has peaked.
  • The Federal Reserve of the United States has proactively raised supporting costs twice, beginning with a 0.25 percent development in March and a 0.5 percent increase in May.
  • Expansion in the United Kingdom rose to 9% in April, the most elevated level in forty years, owing basically to rising energy costs.
  • British inflation is currently the highest in Europe’s five largest economies, but also in the Group of Seven countries, adding to the already high cost of living.
  • Expansion in the European Union arrived at a record high of 7.5 percent last month, driven by rising energy and food costs, provoking policymakers to act all the more rapidly.
  • Market analysts anticipate three to four climbs this year, trusting that strategy fixing will manage seething expansion, which is at present almost multiple times the national bank’s objective. The worsening economic situation as a result of soaring inflation poses a significant risk that many developed economies will enter recession in the coming months, with most central banks already downgrading their growth forecasts for the rest of 2022 and early 2023.


  • The dollar remains higher, while risk has been relatively sluggish so far this session.
  • The dollar remains on track for its first monthly decline of the year, thanks to retracement moves in the previous two weeks. The dollar’s momentum from its April surge has paused as the bond market takes a breather from the selling pressure, with yields falling from recent highs.
  • The dollar is nudging higher, but gains are rather measured with little technical significance as of yet.
  • The EUR/USD is down 0.4 percent to around 1.0730, with a low today of 1.0722 testing the 100-hour moving average. This occurred immediately following the release of the Eurozone May CPI report.
  • Buyers continue to dominate in the short term, but there are growing concerns about the ECB’s outlook if the eurozone economy does not perform well in Q2 or Q3, even if inflation may still warrant tighter monetary policy.
  • USD/JPY is also up 0.3 percent to around 127.80-90, with gains held in check for the time being just below 128.00. Meanwhile, the GBP/USD is down 0.4 percent but still hovering around 1.2600, with buyers also clinging to its own 100-hour moving average of 1.2605.
  • The dollar is also gaining ground against commodity currencies, with USD/CAD rising 0.2 percent to 1.2680 despite oil prices reaching 12-week highs, while AUD/USD is falling 0.2 percent to 0.7180 on the day.

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