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Inflation is skyrocketing, People are furious.

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  November 15, 2021   ·  

Inflation is skyrocketing, People are furious.

by Seerat Fayaz   ·  November 15, 2021   ·  
We didn’t need to read this week’s shocking inflation statistics to realize that prices are skyrocketing. During the epidemic, prices for ordinary things have risen dramatically. This is due to a toxic mix of labor shortages and supply chain issues. The nation’s morale is deteriorating as a result of rising prices, which is having a political toll on President Biden.

According to the latest consumer price index, grocery costs were 5.4% higher in October than a year earlier. The annual rate of inflation was 6.2%, the highest in more than three decades. 

People on fixed incomes have a unique problem as a result of high inflation.

Chicken prices were 8.8% higher in October than a year ago, according to official figures. Prices for beef and pork have risen considerably higher. 

Energy costs are one of the most significant sources of inflation. A person now pays about 50% more for gasoline than she did a year ago. And she pays 28% more for the natural gas she uses to heat her home. The elderly are particularly burdened by high energy expenses.

A lot of people rely on heating oil. Winter expenditures are expected to be substantially higher for them. In the last year, heating oil costs have risen by 59%.

Many senior citizens rely on Social Security. Her benefits, like those of others on the programme, will increase by 5.9% in January. The government has approved the largest cost-of-living boost in four decades. However, inflation has already surpassed it.

You used to be able to go to the grocery and get four bags of groceries for $100 and be content. You’re now lucky if you receive a bag of eggs, milk, and orange juice. There’s also the cost of heating the house and paying the water bills. It’s completely insane. It’s a huge sum of money. How is it possible for someone to live?

Inflation may worsen before it improves. Both the White House and the Federal Reserve have interpreted the inflationary surge as a temporary outcome of the outbreak. This is because it has snarled supply lines and put many people out of work. 

Price increases, like the epidemic, do not look to be going away anytime soon. “I believe inflation is going to get worse before it gets better”, says a Wells Fargo economist. 

Inflation is no longer limited to a few pandemic-prone industries like timber or second-hand autos. The upward pricing pressure is spreading across the economy. 

There is nowhere for customers to hide. This is implying that inflation will be more difficult to control.

Airfares were lower in October. But when travel ramps up, they’re sure to rise again. Rents are also on the rise. 

Salaries are rising, particularly in areas such as restaurants. Many firms pass on the increased labor expenses to their customers. It’s done in the form of higher pricing. 

All of this is weighing heavily on the minds of Americans. People are as pessimistic about the economy as they’ve been in a decade. It’s according to a University of Michigan poll issued on Friday. Inflation has caused one out of every four people’s living standards to decline this month. 

This poses a significant political risk for Biden. His support ratings on the economy have dropped below 40%.

Biden recognises the difficulties that increasing costs are bringing. Everything is more expensive. From a gallon of petrol to a loaf of bread the prices are soaring. Even though wages are rising, this is concerning that inflation is still going up. 

In a statement, Biden stated that combating inflation is one of his key priorities. Many voters will not be pleased until prices begin to level out. The White House’s has limited options. Some are questioning why the Biden administration isn’t doing more.

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