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SA Inflation Hits Levels Last Seen in May 2022

by Onuraag Das   ·  May 24, 2023   ·  

SA Inflation Hits Levels Last Seen in May 2022

by Onuraag Das   ·  May 24, 2023   ·  

The USD/ZAR exchange rate is attracting attention as South Africa experiences a significant rise in inflation, reaching levels not seen since May 2022. This surge in SA inflation has sparked discussions about the upcoming interest rate decision by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). Meanwhile, the ongoing US debt negotiations are adding pressure to the emerging market currencies, including the South African rand (ZAR). In this article, we will delve into the fundamental backdrop of USD/ZAR, analyzing the impact of inflation, the SARB interest rate decision, and the influence of US debt negotiations on the currency pair.

Dovish Talk Surrounds SARB Interest Rate Decision as USD/ZAR Faces Pressure from US Debt Negotiations

South Africa recently witnessed a lower-than-expected inflation rate, raising concerns among market participants and fueling dovish talk surrounding the SARB’s interest rate decision. While headline inflation year-on-year (YoY) hit an 11-month low at 6.8%, it remains below the SARB’s target range of 3% – 6%. Most items have maintained stability since March, except for transportation and residual items, which experienced a year-on-year decline. On a monthly basis, the decline in inflation mirrored the year-on-year print, including the contributions from major sectors.

A further breakdown of both YoY and MoM emphasizes the large increases across food items that will negatively impact the lower to middle-income households.

The elevated inflation poses challenges to the South African economy and puts the SARB in a delicate position as it considers its next move regarding interest rates. With inflation remaining above the target range, the central bank faces the task of balancing economic growth and price stability.

From a USD perspective, the ongoing US debt negotiations have created ripples in the foreign exchange market, particularly affecting emerging market currencies. As President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy engage in discussions to settle a deal, the uncertainty surrounding the outcome is increasing the safe haven appeal of the US dollar. This, in turn, exposes the South African rand (ZAR) to further downside pressure.

Investors are closely monitoring the progress of the debt negotiations, as any delay or disagreement could result in heightened market volatility. The longer the negotiations persist, the greater the potential for risk aversion, leading investors to flock to safe-haven assets like the US dollar. Consequently, this could lead to a weakening of the ZAR against the USD.

Check out the latest USD/ZAR exchange rates

Later today, market participants will focus on the release of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes, providing insights into the most recent meeting. Alongside this, comments from the Fed’s Waller will offer additional perspectives on their thoughts regarding monetary policy. Following Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s statement about potentially pausing their hiking cycle, comparing it with the FOMC discussions becomes crucial. Investors seek clarity on the Fed’s stance and any potential shifts in their approach to interest rate hikes.

Moreover, significant US economic data, including GDP, core PCE (Preferred Measure of Inflation by the Fed), durable goods orders, and Michigan consumer sentiment, are scheduled for release this week. These data releases will provide further indications of the US economic health and potentially impact the USD/ZAR exchange rate. With market participants relying heavily on data, these releases hold more significance than usual, contributing to potential movements in USD/ZAR.


The USD/ZAR exchange rate faces a complex fundamental backdrop due to rising inflation in South Africa, the upcoming SARB interest rate decision, and the impact of ongoing US debt negotiations. Market participants will closely monitor the decisions and actions taken by central banks, particularly the SARB

 and the US Federal Reserve. Additionally, economic data releases will serve as important indicators of future movements in USD/ZAR.

As the situation evolves, investors and traders must stay vigilant, employing risk management strategies to navigate the potential volatility in the currency pair. The interaction between inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical events will continue to shape the USD/ZAR outlook. It is crucial for market participants to stay informed, adapt to changing conditions, and make well-informed decisions based on a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental factors influencing the exchange rate.

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