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Updates on Russia Ukraine conflict 

by Unlisted Blog   ·  June 8, 2022   ·  

Updates on Russia Ukraine conflict 

by Unlisted Blog   ·  June 8, 2022   ·  

According to the Institute for the Study of War, Russian forces still control the majority of Severodonetsk as of June 6, though the precise situation in the city is unknown. Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy has stated that his country’s forces will not abandon their positions in Severodonetsk. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated that the invasion of Ukraine was a “brutal attack ignoring human rights for which there is no excuse.” 

She admitted that the attack was a blunder, but added that there was never an option to build a security architecture that would have persuaded Russia to take a different path. 

According to a Ukrainian presidential aide, 600 Ukrainians are being held captive and tortured in the Russia-occupied southern region of Kherson.

“They’re being held in basements, in specially designed torture chambers,” Tamila Tasheva said on television. 

 She guarantees that prisoners confined for supportive of Ukrainian feelings are being held in “heartless circumstances” in the storm cellars of police headquarters, government workplaces, and schools across Kherson, a locale the size of Belgium that was taken over toward the beginning of March.

Russia has handed over the bodies of 210 Ukrainian fighters, the majority of whom died defending Mariupol from Russian forces at a massive steelworks, according to the Ukrainian military. 

” The method involved with returning the collections of Mariupol’s fallen safeguards is in progress.” “until now, 210 of our soldiers have been returned – most of them are gallant Azovstal protectors,” Ukraine’s guard knowledge directorate said on Twitter.

European Council President Charles Michel accuses Russia of “pushing people into poverty and destabilising entire regions” by blocking food exports from Ukraine. 

Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy told the UK’s Financial Times that a standstill with Russia is “not an option.” 

“Victory must be achieved on the battlefield,” he said, repeating his request for Western military assistance. 

“We are substandard with regards to hardware, and consequently we are unequipped for advancing,” he told the paper. “We will lose all the more endlessly individuals are my main concern.”


The US Treasury Department has prohibited American money managers from purchasing Russian debt or stocks in secondary markets, in addition to its existing prohibition on new-issue purchases. 

“With regards to our objective of denying Russia the monetary assets it expects to proceed with its fierce conflict against Ukraine, Treasury has clarified that U.S. people are disallowed from making new interests in Russia’s prosperity, including through optional market buys,” a Treasury representative said.

In a call, the Russian and Turkish protection clergymen examined a potential grain trades hallway from Ukraine as well as northern Syria, as per Turkey’s guard service, as Ankara and Moscow get ready for talks between their unfamiliar priests.

As per his office, Akar too “reminded that past settlements on this issue should be followed.”

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